This is the biggie! How to change those stubborn beliefs that blight your emtional life. These are powerful tools!
Learn 3 mindfulness techniques to use in everyday life. These will help you to cope with the ups and downs of daily life.
Who are you? What are your values? Are you living according to them?
How do you speak to yourself? How do you respond to things not going your way? Are you a victim of 'The Should Bully'?

Welcome to
Big Change Coaching
A professional coaching and therapy service in the heart of Reading
Call 07479663770 for an appointment within 72 hours
This is the era of solution-focused approaches so we won't dwell on the past. You can expect creative, insightful sessions held in a peaceful setting just 1 minute from Reading train Station.
Sessions start with a chit chat. I'll make a few dry quips, offer you a cup of tea and then we'll begin.
I'm both a coach and a psychotherapist and adjust my style accordingly. This means I'm good for professional progress, depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, long-term ruts.
About Me
My background is in teaching so I aim for sessions to be learning experiences where you learn about yourself and pick up powerful tools to use forever more, like some of the following...

'You may not be able to immediately change outer circumstances, but there's a decent array of techniques from ancient wisdom to modern neuroscience that can rapidly help the way in which you respond to those circumstances.'
William Barker

About Me
I'm a qualified Solution-Focuesd psychotherapist , AC registered coach ,very experienced teacher/trainer and published writer
Human Givens, TGROW, OSKAR, NLP, Guided imagery, Solution-Focused, Client-Focused, Transperonal
Special Help
I have coached literally 100s of people to give effective presentations for their companies
All sessions are are £60 per hour.

Published International Articles
5 Anxiety-Busting Techniques, in MindBodyGreen
An article where I explore top techniques for dealing with stress and anxiety.
Is The Should Bully Ruining Your Life?
in Personal Growth Here I identify the inner tyrant who forces us into action that goes against who we know we are.
9 Emotional Needs, in MBG
In this article I give some practical tips on how to meet your emotional needs.


Brian, History Lecturer
I saw 4 therapist in 2016. William was definitely the most effective. He got me out of rumination and into action

Tom, Coffee Shop Owner
William is a good man. He has a huge breadth of knowledge and ideas. I often reccomend him, as I think the changes I made are sustainable.

Sarah, PhD Student
With William's help I calmed down considerably. He has such a calm, accepting way about him. I think it rubbed off.
1:1 Coaching
Get on track!
Stress reduction techniques
Positive Goals
guideded Imagery
Belief change
Emotional mastery
Group Workshops
Move forward with fun ideas
Presentation skills
Emotional needs
Stress management
Chill out!
Panic Attacks
Existential crisis
The 'rudderless ship'
Negative definitions/beliefs
Special Help
Get it sorted
Presentation Skills
Teaching Skills

If you're hesitant about embarking on a coaching/therapy journey, that's quite understandable. However, rest assured that there is no obligation to commit to a 'bundle' and at the end of the day one session, which at best may change your life, doesn't cost as much as a new pair of Levi jeans.
Note: Some coaching can take place on Skype, saving you the time and bother of travelling, parking etc.

To book a session soon call 07479663770 Email:

Change happens because of change
Common Sense

There is no exit to Now
Ancient Wisdom

Emotions make us stupid